Companiile din Republica Moldova Спавочник Молдавских предприятий


CAPITAL TOBACCO LTD -fabrica de prelucrare a tutunului in Moldova .

We are able to provide blends to meet all customer specifications. We offer a variety of cut rag options including  our own and consistent with  the customers’ taste different  blends.
We have the ability to supply any of your tobacco blend needs to meet specifications and delivery requirements:
¥ American Blends
¥ Virginia Blend
¥ Customised Blends
We can also cut tobacco for the following uses:
¥ Cigarette Tobacco: king size & super slim size
¥ Roll Your Own (RYO)
¥ Shisha Tobacco

Capital Tobacco owns and maintains big storage ideally situated ,allowing us to offer tobacco storage services at competitive rates and to provide complete tobacco storage services:

¥ Tobacco storage
¥ Tobacco inspections
¥ Carton labeling
¥ Tobacco fumigation

Datele de contact:

Telefon: +37368671313
Mobil: +37368671313

Domeniile de activitate CAPITAL TOBACCO SRL:

> Alimente/Bauturi > Bauturi Alcoolice Tigari si Tutun

CAPITAL TOBACCO SRL activeaza in Jevreni




pr. um.

EUR 19.0451
USD 17.8024
RON 3.8264
RUB 0.1994
GBP 22.6214
UAH 0.4376
BGN 9.7379
TRY 0.5446

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